The SFAA is a club that welcomes people of all ages, experience levels, and interest areas. If you have an interest in the night sky, and wish you knew more, the SFAA is a great way to get started! We offer beginner ‘star tours’, loaner scopes, and advice. Experienced amateur astronomers will discover a community of highly knowledgeable amateurs and semi-professionals who will inspire and challenge you. SFAA members gain access to world-class astronomers and benefits :
- Opportunities to Connect with Other Astronomy Enthusiasts
- Access to our Slack Forum
- Members-Only Viewing Events
- Yosemite Star Party
- Annual Picnic for Members
- FREE Club Telescope Loaner Program
- Volunteer and Outreach Opportunities
- AND you can hang out with a bunch of really fun amateur astronomers!
Join us today and get the most out of your starry skies!