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The SFAA is an all-volunteer organization that relies on the active participation of its members for its success and continuity.

Please consider how you can volunteer….everyone has a skill to contribute and every bit helps!

The list below describes ongoing volunteer opportunities. To volunteer, you can also reach us on our Contact page.

Telescope operators
Bring and operate your telescope at public star parties on Mt. Tam and various locations in San Francisco. You will experience the excitement of adults and children as they view the Moon, planets, and deep sky objects for the first time.

Star party guides
Greet observers and visitors, and direct traffic in the parking area at Mt. Tam and San Francisco star party locations.

Mentors for new telescope and binocular owners
If you are already an experienced scope user, share your knowledge with new scope owners at star parties.

Snack volunteers
SFAA needs members to volunteer to bring light refreshments to our monthly meetings and lectures at the Randall Museum, on the third Wednesday of each month. Refreshments help to create a welcoming, sociable atmosphere for members and guests. beverages. You may donate snack items or simply provide receipts to be reimbursed for your expenses, and your fellow members will be grateful to you!  Contact:

Newsletter editors and contributors
Help to edit, assemble and publish the weekly online newsletter. Submit an occasional article, astrophoto and/or serve as a member of the editorial team

Marketing and Publicity volunteers
Create flyers that list upcoming SFAA events. Publicize SFAA event updates to SFGate, SF FunCheap, Eventful,Bay Area Science, and other event outlets.

SFAA Board of Directors
The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Directors lead and coordinaate SFAA activities and serve a one-year term starting in January following an election in the proceeding December. The duties of each office is described in Article 3 of the SFAA Bylaws.  The Board meets every month, either online or in-person.  If you are willing to serve, please contact any member of the Board listed here.

Telescope-building volunteers
If you are interested in building your own telescope from scratch, consider volunteering as both a participant and leader at telescope building classes held at the Randall Museum and taught by other SFAA volunteers.

SFAA webmasters
If you have HTML and/or website maintenance experience, consider volunteering to keep the SFAA website content updated with the latest Bay Area astronomy events and SFAA lecture speakers.

Astronomy event organizers
Help to organize tours to the Lick Observatory, Yosemite Star Party, and other astronomy-related events.

Ride sharing volunteers
You can participate in providing ride-sharing to SFAA Mt. Tam Star Parties.

SFAA lecture volunteers
Help to setup and operate AV equipment at SFAA lectures, or you can opt to greet the general public at SFAA lectures.

Outreach volunteers
Connect with schools and non-profit organizations that frequently solicit SFAA members to provide autonomy education and sky-viewing experiences.